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Race Around Austria has zero tolerance to doping and is committed to ensuring that Ultracycling is clean, to protect the health of our athletes and the image of the sport as well as comply with the domestic laws.



In-competition tests take place in principle after the competition. If the competition is over the selected athletes are informed by a chaperone about the test. The chaperon will inform the athlete about his rights and duties and will hand it out for signature. The athlete must - under constant monitoring by a chaperone - immediately seek the doping control station. Controls will take place in a doping control room.  The selection of athletes is done by NADA and can either be decided by placing, by name (target control) as well as by drawing lots.

Do I need a special permit for medications?

All athletes who do not belong to a test pool can submit a TUE application in connection with an initiated doping control procedure ("retroactive approval procedure"). The only difference between the retroactive approval process is the time at which the application is submitted. All findings that make the use of a prohibited substance or method necessary from a medical point of view must be available before the time of the doping control. Subsequent examinations or findings are not permitted. Particular caution is required with self-treatments without consulting a doctor.

Medication inquiry by NADA AUSTRIA

Forbidden or allowed? Check drugs and substances in seconds! The "MedApp" from NADA Austria helps athletes and their supervisors, trainers, doctors and parents to quickly and easily check Austrian drugs for prohibited substances. The medication query or "MedApp" provides the result in seconds as to whether a medication or substance is prohibited or permitted. With the free "MedApp" from NADA Austria, all medicines in the Austria Codex can also be queried via barcode scanner for their status according to the current, worldwide prohibited list of the World Anti-Doping Agency. Medicines or substances that are not included in the database were either purchased abroad or are not listed in the Austria Codex (e.g. food supplements, homeopathic preparations). NADA Austria's "MedApp" protects athletes from being unintentionally doped and is available for Android and iOS.

More Information: 

Homepage of the World Anti-Doping Agency: